STI Innowacyjne Technologie Laboratoryjne Choose the language:
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About Company

STI is a Polish distributor of reagents and laboratory equipment.

We offer laboratory reagents for research in immunology, molecular biology, and toxicology.
Deliver antibodies, ELISA, protein, and vectors and other reagents for the laboratory world renowned manufacturers.
For medical laboratories we offer products for IVD diagnostics.
We also offer IVD antibodies for immunohistochemistry and cytometrycznych.
We provide consulting, training and technical assistance in the selection of appropriate reagents for the determination of PCR and Real-Time PCR.
All our products are certified medical devices.

We advise on the preparation of research projects and provide laboratory services in the field of immunology, proteomics, molecular biology, analytical chemistry and environmental analysis.
We provide a synthesis of peptides, recombinant proteins, antibodies, analysis using the matrix protein, immunohistochemical studies and many others.
We only work with certified laboratories in Poland, Europe and the United States that employ cutting-edge laboratory techniques.

We are also the only Polish manufacturer of high quality Gel Documentation Systems.

We are happy to realize unusual orders.


Copyright © 2012 STI
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