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  Homepage » Catalog » Research Use Only Reagents » Primary and Secondary Antibodies » Bioss » bs-0395R
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Rabbit Anti-CD133 antigen Polyclonal Antibody, Unconjugated

Opis produktu:
Prominin is a novel plasma membrane protein with an N-terminal extracellular domain, five transmembrane segments flanking two short cytoplasmic loops and two large glycosylated extracellular domains, and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. DNA sequences from Caenorhabditis elegans predict the existence of a protein with the same features, suggesting that prominin is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. Prominin is found not only in the neuroepithelium but also in various other epithelia of the mouse embryo. In the adult mouse, prominin has been detected in the brain ependymal layer, and in kidney tubules. In these epithelia, prominin is specific to the apical surface, where it is selectively associated with microvilli and microvilli-related structures. Remarkably, upon expression in CHO cells, prominin is preferentially localized to plasma membrane protrusions such as filopodia, lamellipodia, and microspikes. These observations imply that prominin contains information to be targeted to, and/or retained in, plasma membrane protrusions rather than the planar cell surface. Moreover, results show that the mechanisms underlying targeting of membrane proteins to microvilli of epithelial cells and to plasma membrane protrusions of non-epithelial cells are highly related.
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Ilość w opakowaniu100ug Lyophilized

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This product was added to our catalog on czwartek 24 maja, 2012.

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