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  Homepage » Catalog » Research Use Only Reagents » Primary and Secondary Antibodies » Bioss » bs-0469R
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Rabbit Anti-c-fos Polyclonal Antibody, Unconjugated

Opis produktu:
The Fos gene family consists of 4 members: FOS, FOSB, FOSL1, and FOSL2. These genes encode leucine zipper proteins that can dimerize with proteins of the JUN family, thereby forming the transcription factor complex AP-1. As such, the FOS proteins have been implicated as regulators of cell proliferation, differentiation, and transformation. In some cases, expression of the FOS gene has also been associated with apoptotic cell death. Nuclear phosphoprotein which forms a tight but non- covalently linked complex with the JUN/AP-1 transcription factor. In the heterodimer, c-fos and JUN/AP-1 basic regions each seems to interact with symmetrical DNA half sites. Has a critical function in regulating the development of cells destined to form and maintain the skeleton. It is thought to have an important role in signal transduction, cell proliferation and differentiation. Subunit: Heterodimer with JUN. Interacts with DSIPI; this interaction inhibits the binding of active AP1 to its target DNA. Interacts with MAFB. Belongs to the bZIP family. Fos subfamily. Subcellular Location: Nucleus.
 Product Size
Ilość w opakowaniu100ug Lyophilized

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This product was added to our catalog on czwartek 24 maja, 2012.

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