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Rabbit Anti-Aggrecan1 Polyclonal Antibody, Unconjugated

Opis produktu:
Aggrecan is a member of a family of large, aggregating proteoglycans (also including versican, brevican and neurocan) which is found in articular cartilage. Aggrecan is composed of three major domains: G1, G2, and G3. Between the G1 and G2 domains there is an interglobulin region (IGD). The IGD region is the major site of cleavage by specific proteases like metalloproteinases (MMPs) and aggrecanase. Aggrecan cleavage has been associated with a number of degenerative diseases including rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. There is evidence that this family of proteoglycans modulates cell adhesion, migration, and axonal outgrowth in the CNS.
 Product Size
Ilość w opakowaniu100ug Lyophilized

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This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 24 May, 2012.

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