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Numer kat.RL0017
Opis produktu:
Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are produced in metabolic and physiological processes, and harmful oxidative reactions may occur in organisms that remove them via enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidative mechanisms. Under certain conditions, the increase in oxidants and decrease in antioxidants cannot be prevented, and the oxidative or in over 100 disorders, develops. Serum (or plasma) concentrations of different oxidant species can be measured in laboratories separately, but the measurements are time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly and require complicated techniques2. Since the measurement of different oxidant molecules separately is not practical and their oxidant effects are additive, the total oxidant status (TOS) of a sample is measured and this is named total peroxide (TP)1,3,4,5, serum oxidation activity (SOA)6, reactive oxygen metabolites (ROM)7 or some other synonyms.
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Ilość w opakowaniu
ProducentRel Assay Diagnostics

This product was added to our catalog on piątek 05 sierpnia, 2016.

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